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Midnight Occult Civil Servants

Miyako Arata x Huehuecóyotl

Anime Spotlight - Midnight Occult Civil Servants

Oh what a disappointment this anime turned out to be, i wanted the next Yami no Matsuei but instead got this bland fest.

The plot is Arata a decendant of Abe no Seimei, he resembles his ancestor and possesses "Ears of Sand" giving him the ability to understand the languages of the Anothers. He joins the Civil Servants to help broker peace between the Anothers.

On paper this seemed like a great series, handsome men dealing with the supernatural, working during the night solving mysteries or murders or abductions by Yokai and other supernatural beings. The premise was great and it had potential to be a great anime and one of my favs.

But boy was it dull and bland, it played everything far to safe, it even made getting attacked by zombies uninspiring. The character designs are so bland nearly all the characters look the same with different coloured hair and they have no development and are just uninteresting to follow. The animation is basic and not very dynamic and the the story meanders into nowhere with no suspense or tension. So bland and dissapointing!

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