So many boys so many ships! I am partial to Yukinoji x Leo and Louis × Shin
Anime Spotlight - King of prism Shiny Seven Stars
This was an anime i watched because I fell in love with the character design for one character - Yukinojo
The Plot is a bit mad but on a basic level is about idol stars that also perform on skates and following one band.
I had seen the movie that came before but not the ones before that, that had set up the world. You really don’t need to watch the previous titles until towards the end when things get weird. I mean there were computer program's gaining intelligence, reincarnation, a secret guiding power sent to help mankind and domed lovers corrupted by the system.
I didn’t really follow all this as I saw dancing boys that were good t ship and had some catchy songs. This was a guilty pleasure watch as I’ve been trying out some of the male idol anime and this one is a bit bonkers. It had a couple of cute boys and obvious ships so I stayed for that reason but its not going to go down as any great classic.